Is Global Warming as bad as they say it is?

Due to various activism going on, people have tend to view some if not most of this activism topics as exaggerated stories meant to gather gullible followers. But is that really the case when it comes to global warming and other environmental related issues troubling the planet?.

To fully grasp the impact of global warming on our planet earth, I want you to picture this with me. One Olympic swimming is about 1250 m², now multiply this by 180million and you’ll get two hundred and twenty-five billion square meters. Nigeria, the most populous black Country is 923.768 billion square meters. That means 180million Olympic swimming pool would be able to fill a quarter of The entire land mass.

My guess? You’re probably wondering where I’m going with this. Well stay with me a little.

Every year, due to global warming, about 150billion tons of ice glazers is melted into water in Antarctica. This 150billion tons of ice, is equivalent to 180million swimming pool filled with water. And this is even a minimal value compared to the amount of ice glazers being melted as a result of global warming world wide. According to studies carried out in Greenland by National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) at the University of Colorado between the period of July 15 – July 17 2022, it was estimated that about 6 billion tons of ice melted into water.

Now imagine the impending danger this melting ice could pose within the next five to ten years if it continues at this rate.

So is melting ice the only threat caused by global warming? Of course not, but let’s leave it at only this one cause and let’s talk about how to prevent global warming as a whole.

To be able to know what to do to prevent global warming, it’s important if we first of all get to know what causes global warming.

Most of the major causes of global warming have being related to anthropogenic activities that includes  ;

Cutting down of forest trees:

Due to population increase, the need for increase in food production has lead to the bringing down of forests in order to create more farmlands and even to provide other resources. Since trees are known to absorb most of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, destruction of this trees have lead to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there would have been if this trees were present. So in summary, destruction of trees will increase the rate of emissions into the atmosphere.

Now how do we prevent this?. There's a popular saying this days amongst environmentalists; If you cut one tree, plant three more. That means if you have plans to cut a hundred trees, you should be willing to plant three hundred trees. Do this will save both humans and the environment. 

Generating Power:

Another major cause of global warming has been attributed to power generation. Generating electricity and heat by burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil and other natural gas have caused a large percentage of global emission. 

While some governments have been able to adopt other forms of generating energy through other sources of renewable energy such as solar and wind e.t.c… More still need to be done to help reduce consumption. And this can be achieved through creating awareness to the people.