2 important Reasons why you Consider switching to biogas As Energy Source For Your Home Or Business.

Economic Value Of Biogas.

With the hike in crude prices and scarcity of gas, households and businesses seem to be are spending over the top to provide this necessities. Switching to Bio-gas offers the perfect solution to providing cost effective means of energy supply, hence, reducing the amount that this households would be spending on providing power supply and gas for cooking.

 This is possible as Materials needed for the generation of biogas are ready available. Some of this materials include animal manure, weeds, leftover food and even from human feces. The only cost you have to spend on is setting up the process for your biogas storage.
Large scale Farmers can benefit greatly from the innovations as most of the waste the produced, can become renewable energy source for them.

Environmental sustainability.

With climate change being the talk of the day, switching from the usage of fuel to biogas is a great step you can take as an individual in doing your own bit in helping to reduce amount of carbon emission, which is major a cause of climate change.
Some environmental benefits that can also be gotten from this switch include:
Efficient energy supply. Unlike crude products, the usage of biogas provides a clean atmosphere as the emission from biogas plants do not release any harmful gas.
Waste reduction. The use of biogas is a great way to help reduce the amount of waste being dumped at landfills and water bodies, 

Collection of biowaste

as most of the materials needed for biogas generation are usually waste products.
Reduction of the amount of GHG emission. For large scale farmers, switch over to biogas can prove very effective on waste management, as most waste produced in farms are decomposed into methane gas which if emitted into the atmosphere can be very deadly. Using the waste for biogas generation will help to divert this gas into energy as it is very important for biogas.


Want to learn more about how to convert your waste into biogas? The link below gives guidelines on how to convert gas from your sewer into homemade cooking gas.


If you're interested in doing more than just converting biogas to energy in order to help in climate change, join the Asewe Volunteer group using the link below.


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