Research has shown that about a 100 billion animals are farmed yearly to serve as beef for eating.

This amount pose a big risk to the planet.

Here's how.

Due to their weight and eating patterns, Cows and cattle can pose a big danger to the earth in various ways that include:

Damage to topsoil. Regular Stampede on a piece of land can be detrimental to soil as it kills of the nutrients in the soil. More so, Reviving the nutrients in those farmlands could take a long time.

Soil Erosion. With top soil damaged, there's every possibility of a pending erosion as matters that are suppose to hold the soil together are no long in place, hence creating a weakened soil structure.

Loss Of Forest Vegetation. For those who practice the nomadic system of farming, feeding this animals can be detrimental to forest habitat and farmlands.

Pollution. According to reports a Zurich report, A single cow can produced over 70-120kg of methane gas in a year. In total, Livestock contribute are responsible for 4 percent of global greenhouse gas emission.

So hopefully, with this few points of mine, I hope you see reasons with me why WE ALL SHOULD BE VEGANS. Ok just kidding.

But in order to save our planet, we all must make sacrifices,  and some of this sacrifices can include watching what we put on our plates.

As a alternate to beef, it is advised to feed more on poultry products and fishes. But even the way we eat those products should also be reduced.

Want to know more about food choices, the link below encourages on the importance of Purchasing Locally Sourced Foodstuffs.